Hurricane Irma – Day 18 – September 23


We had two meetings today, one was to discuss solutions for long-term sustainability of people being able to buy food so that we can transition away from the mass food distributions. We also had a meeting to see how we can help with the setup of the soup kitchens on the island to feed those who are desperately in need. We will be providing some of our volunteers and supplies to make that happen in collaboration with the government program.

Today we had one of our last mass food and water distributions with the Koninklijke Marine in point Blanche for the residents.

The K1 Britannia Foundation volunteers, alongside the Koninklijke Marine then collected and stored food donated by the World Food Programme for our supply to support vulnerable institutions on the island.

As a show of appreciation, we ended the day with a BBQ with great food, music and had lots of quality time and laughs with all the volunteers who worked tirelessly day in and out during the past 2 and a half weeks after Hurricane Irma.