Hurricane Irma – Day 28 – Oct 4th


A caring chef of a local restaurant has committed to cooking 100 meals weekly. K1 volunteers picked up the lunch made of fish, rice, and vegetables and set out to distribute.

The team of volunteers targeted the Cay Hill area, behind the old Cake House for this week’s distribution of the meals.

All the residents were very thankful, mentioning that aid doesn’t often get to their neighborhood. A group of young guys loudly let us know that we made their afternoon, a good one.

Of the many residents that came out, over 30 children were present and benefited from the hot meals.

K1 is grateful to the chef for this kind gesture and look forward to next week’s distribution.

The need for transport to effectively carry out our deliveries to the various organizations that K1 supports had become evident. So two cars were arranged that would be key in making sure deliveries were brought on time.

At the end of the day tools and preparing, materials were bought to temporarily fix the office so it can be used.