Hurricane Irma – Day 3 – September 8th


We started the day by meeting with the heads of all the relief organizations to see where we were needed. We then met with the head of search and rescue to discuss if they needed volunteers. We recruited additional volunteers and went to load all the fresh supplies from Le Grand Marche to deliver at the prison who had been without food for 2 days.

We met with the head chef for all the shelters, Mr. Alex and brought enough food to add to their stock to last them for a few days along with plenty of water accompanied by the Red Cross St. Maarten and Red Cross Aruba.They joined us to go to a few stops around the island to assess what food was left. We were also able to provide food that day to the Fire Department. As far as we were told, we were the only organization to have access to cleaning/sanitation supplies. We were able to divide and deliver what was available to the 6 emergency departments such as the Police Force of Sint Maarten – Korps Politie Sint Maarten, the fire department and the Red Cross. We also did some ground work to see how many people were in need of shelter and spent time counseling and helping people we met along the way.